—With a consistent Love Your Body Practice you will start to feel a deep level of adoration for your body, all of your body, even the parts you currently do not like!
—Following the acceptance of your body opens the way to start truly embracing your unique personality traits and quirks too.
—You will discover that accepting your body also gives you more confidence and courage to live your dream life.
—You will find that a regular practice of loving your body, also creates space to honor your emotions too. Just like your body needs your attention and acceptance so too do your emotions.
—This practice is freedom from who you think you should be into loving acceptance for who you are.
—This level of inner intimacy that comes with a body loving practice, tunes you into your heart. It is there that you are connected to your intuition and innate wisdom.
—When you heal your negative self concept from the inside out your perspective of your world shifts from fear and worry to love and joy! You will experience a new trust in life and a level of acceptance for your environment, your job, your relationships, etc...
—The only way to make meaningful change in your life is to heal your relationship with yourself. You will keep searching for a solution to your problems outside of yourself in the form of relationships, job changes, etc until you feel content and comfortable within.
—It sounds too simple and that my love is the beauty of it. It can be this simple. To make time to be with yourself, ON THE REG to love your body, and honor your feelings- isn't this what you want in your romantic relationship?
—When you have your own practice you will no longer have to wait for or rely on others to talk about how you feel. You are it my love and you are WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH.
—We subconsciously feel undeserving of our own love. We feel pulled to invest our attention into “others” to get what we think we want. When you invest in yourself and make the time in your life to take care of yourself, magic happens. You will start to see your body and your life through the eyes of love. Healing that feeling of “undeserving.”
—You will know your true power when you direct your energy and attention to loving yourself. From that solid foundation, you will be able to love and nurture others from a full cup and without neediness or attachment because you don't need it from others, you have given it to yourself.
—The fear of losing others or missing out vanishes. Having a loving relationship with yourself shifts you into being on your “own side” You will no longer over commit yourself or do things out of obligation. You will say yes to things because you genuinely want to and therefore will not be resentful in any way.
—Your mind (the inner critic when unchecked) has been “protecting” you out of fear for FOREVS and relies on your negative self concept to “run the show.” Ever notice how you can be happily going along your day and then out of seemingly nowhere the inner critic reminds you of something nasty and hurtful?
—When you make the time in your life to heal your relationship with your body, you take back your power to love your WHOLE self, as you are, and the inner critic will become obsolete. The voice will still be there but you will no longer give it the power you used to. Eventually, you will barely notice it.
—Your mind (the inner critic when unchecked) is either a friend or foe. You must master your mind now that you are an adult and can see it for what it is. It starts with the simple acknowledgment of those feelings when they arise. Then allow yourself to shift into acceptance of it (letting it be okay.) To then befriend this part of yourself and not argue with it or entertain a story of what you “should do” about it.
—It is extra hard to prioritize ourselves above others. Since childhood, we have all been taught that taking care of yourself is “selfish.” Even if we know intellectually that we need to take care of ourselves, we still feel resistance to it on an energetic level. Our profound abilities to be nurturing and compassionate with others have to be turned back on ourselves, then we can take care of others from a place of joy.
The Self Love Guidance and Tools With Andrea
What You Get—
— 10 Scrubs + More (value $99)
— The Self Love Guide E-Book (value $10.99)
— Your First Complimentary Call With Andrea (value $149)
—PLUS A special rate for you with future calls with Andrea is at $99 per hour.
*Payment Plan available at checkout— 4 Interest free payments at $49.75.
How It Works—
—You place your order in the online shop.
— You receive an email to book your call with Andrea.
— And your link to download The Self Love Guide.
—You luxuriate your body with The Chocolate Scrub.
—You feel nourished with your skin crazy silky soft + GLOWING.
—With Andrea’s help you start to see your body and life through the eyes of love.
— You now have the perfect gifts on hand to give and share the message of self love with others.