I’ve noticed as I have honored my heart and made some major changes in my world just how VITAL it is to always be observing my thoughts and inner voice. The way I feel when my mind might pass a judgment about me, where I am at in my life, or something else.
A lesson that I feel I have more truly integrated recently is that we are only ever experiencing WHO WE ARE BEING TO OURSELVES.
Life is a mirror, mirroring back to us how we feel in this moment. How you are feeling energetically creates your very next moment. This is why being radically honest with yourself and then not negatively judging how your feel, is so crucial.
We are feeling a multitude of emotions ALL THE TIME. The ones we have determined to be “bad” we push away because it is so painful to feel so we stuff them down. Yet, they go nowhere until they are acknowledged and expressed either in writing or to a trusted friend, for example.
We are meant to feel all of our emotions, good and bad, without judgment.
The questions then become, who am I being to myself? How am I feeling?
If you are feeling bad or judging yourself for something, let yourself feel it, totally. It is only when we resist the feeling that it gets bigger. Acknowledge it by looking at it, then simply accept that you feel this way you feel right now, (even though it’s not actually true,) but the mere allowance of feeling it, will literally shift it.
Acceptance is a CURE ALL. If you want to feel better or good right now, Be truthful with how you feel, let yourself feel it.
Just like we are especially kind to children because they need gentleness, we must also be that kind to ourselves. Extend to yourself that same loving kindness that you would to your child, your best friend, your siblings, parents, or grandparents. Think about the person you most love in your life. How even if they seem to make a mistake or do something wrong, you still love them no matter what, right?
What would it be like or feel like to treat yourself with that same understanding and compassion? It is possible, I have been practicing it for years now. it takes effort in the sense of being a vigilante in watching your thoughts, noticing if your own inner voice is being mean and critical to you.
When it does say something mean or hurtful the trick is to start to befriend it. To engage with your inner dialogue in healthy ways. Be kind and encouraging to yourself. What could be more important than the way you treat yourself? As the world will reflect that back to you whether you are aware of and directing it or not.
Life can be painful and hard, and beautiful and magical. Were meant to feel and experience it all. Somehow we have been conditioned to be “hard” on ourselves. Like life is not already hard enough without our inner critic judging us at every turn.
How do you feel right now my love? Be honest with yourself, and then be EXTRA KIND to yourself. You are the one that can give yourself the love that you need.
It would be a privilege and honor to help guide you on the path to total self-acceptance and seeing yourself thru the eyes of love. I can help you be more gentle and kind to yourself, as I too have had to learn and practice it.